Version 579 - August 2024 Updates are in

Since 1976
" Best Ideas That Work "
Proven Track Record of Projects
for Home & Business

Contact Us:
(603) 224-3805 (Cell & Text)

All I need is some idea as to what you want
to accomplish and I will make it happen

Mike's resume

Mike's Resume

Development & Support of productive applications such as:
Capacity Planning
Data Conversion
Microsoft Support
Problem Solver
Utility Billing
Web Design
Windows Installs & Support

Installation of Hardware and Software

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Computer Contractor Services
  • Computer & Business System Problem Solver
    I have never found a problem that could not be solved.
    A Few Examples

  • Training
    I have taught many computer courses at NH Technical Institute in Concord, NH.

    (One of my students was an instructor at Manchester Tech.
    He was always the first to arrive & last to leave.
    When the class was over, I asked him, instructor-to-instructor, what he thought of our class?
    He told me that it was the BEST and took many of my teaching techniques to his classroom.)

  • Installation
    Over the years I have installed most everything including a Unisys Mainframe in my basement.

    (PLEASE - Call someone else to install your mainframe.)

  • Programming
    I have over 25 years experience with various experience of
    COBOL and other languages as needed for projects.
    Work History

    I encourage all important financial applications be converted
    to Windows / Client Server as described here .

  • Administration
    The best position I have had was running a data center for 10 years.

    What made that position best was the fact that I had total responsibility
    of meeting computer user needs at all levels.

    I did this so well that the Unisys Corporation sent teams of technical
    staff, from throughout New England, to my data center to understand
    what I was doing that was so much better.
    Work History

    (One team manager took me aside and told me that nobody was utilizing
    computer resources and producing results like I was - Over the years,
    I have completed many projects for very large companies but none even
    close to truly meeting user & company needs - That is too bad.)

  • Data Conversion
    I have completed many data conversions of every type you can think of.
    Work History

  • Web Page Design
    Since 1996, I have been developing Web pages & giving advice on how to
    pick the proper ISP for the project. I prefer to produce a simple
    informative Web page that is easy to navigate.

    Sample Web site:

    Concord High School - Class of 1962

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    Contact Us:
    RoyceFamily Logo RoyceFamily
    Concord, NH

    (603) 224-3805

    Send E-mail

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    Other Places of Interest

    A very good New Hampshire directory

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