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Submitted by: Michael R Royce

The USA is a wonderful place to live BUT would be much better if we did away with 4-way STOP Signs.

The Problem:

I don't know if you have noticed but there is an abundance of 3 and 4-way STOP signs throughout the City of Concord, NH (and the nation) that do not meet the City of Concord Traffic Operations Committee standards and the National Safety Code requirements. In my view, most 4-way STOPs interfere with safe traffic flow. I have not liked them for many years and take alternate routes if possible.

I became more involved when the Franklin & Auburn Street residents were notified of a public hearing pertaining to possible installation of a 4-way STOP NOT RECOMMENDED by the City of Concord Traffic Operations Committee. My wife and I attended the September 14, 1998 City Council meeting to see how our city government works. We were amazed that the 4-way STOP sign at the corner of Franklin & Auburn was approved with only a half a dozen residents testifying. Investigating, I have found there are over 2,000 cars per day that travel Auburn Street. This is a lot of vehicles that are required to stop needlessly.

At the public hearing, the only concern of neighbors in the Franklin / Auburn street area was speed. As published in the National Safety Code manual, STOP signs have nothing to do with speed. STOP signs have one purpose and that is to give safe access to auto and pedestrian traffic at intersections. Franklin / Auburn is not an intersection that warrants a 4-way STOP sign. If speed is an issue then that needs to be tended to throughout the city. I live on the upper end of Auburn street (no sidewalks) where there are more walkers / joggers than there are automobiles. Yes, from time to time, cars speed by, but to be honest with you, the thought never crossed my mind to ask for STOP signs in front of my house to slow traffic.

Because of the Franklin / Auburn 4-way STOP, I have been investigating 4-way STOP issues. I was surprised as to how much information that was published about 4-way STOPs. Since 1988, over 30 4-way STOPs have been installed and more are on the way, not in places where a sensible driver would expect to find them.

Not only do I want to remove the Franklin / Auburn 4-way STOP but ALL others throughout the city that do not meet safety standards.

I knew I felt unsafe approaching and going through 4-way STOPs but had no idea I had good reasons to feel unsafe. There are National Safety Code rules that govern where 4-way STOPs should be posted. By these safety code rules and our City of Concord Traffic Operations Committee recommendations, most of Concord's 4-way STOPs are not compliant.

At 4-way STOPs, did you know:
(1) it is 3 times more likely that you will be rear-ended?
(I didn't think of that - I will be watching my rear view as I approach)

(2) when a 4-way STOP goes up, traffic will be diverted through other neighborhoods with roads that may not support the extra load?
(as I do and guess what, more 4-way STOPs)

(3) quite often autos speed up between STOPs.

(4) have you noticed the confused look of drivers as to who goes first?
(No matter what the law says, I allow other drivers to go first. I don't want to get hit !!!)

(5) safety vehicles are also impeded.

(6) besides the problems of 4-way STOP signs, there are many problems of approaching a regular 2-way STOPs. It becomes very confusing and you have to analyze the kind of STOP sign you are approaching.

(7) have you noticed the signs at at some regular traffic light intersections?
May be NOT !!!!!!! The usual "right turn on RED" law turns ON & OFF.
(Isn't that cute ?!?!)

The Auburn street parents seem to be very concerned about their children's safety and rightfully so. Streets are not playgrounds and children should not be playing in or near them. In most areas of Concord, yards are ample size and there are many playgrounds and parks. Streets are for autos, bicycles and other transportation vehicles to move people around town in an orderly fashion. Let's not get stupid here and gridlock the city.

Most of the 4-way STOPs have been installed against City of Concord Traffic Operations Committee recommendations (and common sense). I recognize and solve computer system problems all day and I feel there is a city-wide solution to this problem as a whole and not just each individual's private 100 frontage.

The Solution:

Remove ALL 3 & 4-way STOP signs that are not compliant.

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